Transformation of current economic system to footprint economy & 1 billion people
Since decades there are thousands of writers who convince the world population how their “normal” life destroys their own livelihood. Beside up to date their efforts are in vain, their arguments lack fundamental insights. Their million yet endless facts they present are centering around the natural world and each one is even plausible but in the end there is confusion in all the works of the well-known authors of the past and also to a bad extent of all the current authors (Meadows, Rees, Ehrlich, Daly, Catton, Dasgupta, etc.)
But when it comes to the real causes of our problem within the latest centuries, they all dismiss the driving factor: the capitalist mode of production with it’s private property of the production resources including the private land /real property and the private property of capital, goods as commodities and the mystery of money.
All the outcome of that constellation for the functioning of the capitalist production system and our perception of it are described by Marx in detail, the capitalist mode of production produces its own enigma
(how it works: Bischoff, Joachim; Axel Otto u.a.: Ausbeutung – Selbstverrätselung – Regulation.
Der 3. Band des »Kapital«, VSA-Verlag Hamburg 1993)
and constantly more and new tendencies towards his self-mystery (commodity and financial market capitalism, Bitcoin, KI/ChatGPT, social Internet etc.)
Also AI & KI is highly dangerous because people will lose their independent minds, but synthetic biology / genetics is even more dangerous, it gives birth to zombies without morals.
Even though the conflicting contradictions that come with it may reveal the one or the other insight about the functioning/malfunction about the current capitalist production system, but the general tendency is not questioned or incorporated in their investigations.
The other tendency of lack in understanding capitalism is that there are phantastic ideas of alternative production systems that take no account of the real working conditions or the availability of social working time and surplus working time that can only derived from empirical calculations.
On the contrary the “marxist” authors have no idea how nature works and produce ridiculous misunderstandings and miscalculations on how we can interact with nature.
On top of that both/ all of them take nature as a service system for human life and take the right to manipulate it to fulfill the most obscure wishes of mankind.
They don’t see nature as a life system for its own sake that has to develop itself with nearly no interference of man and where mankind has to seek a place for itself with minimum interference to the evolution of the ecologic prerequisites of its own existence.
The one who will really bring us forward is Rees.
The only one who made it possible to connect natural measures (use value) with the social measure (working time).
Der Einzige, der die Verbindung natürlicher Maßzahlen (Gebrauchswert) zu der gesellschaftlichen Maßzahl (Arbeitszeit) ermöglicht hat.
His revolutionary concept of ecological footprint will allow us to empirically calculate the requirements for natural resources for a given historical living standard and take into account what resources nature holds for us.
William Rees - Measuring Our Ecological Footprint 2010/2020
This must be complemented with the calculation of available social working time to accomplish the task of making those resources available to us.
There has to be some kind of national (and international) exchange system (market) to establish a socially average working time, - besides local production, distribution and eventually with or without a local medium of exchange.
This national commodity exchange system requires a general commodity into which all other commodities can be exchanged directly, with properties that are largely found in the form of money.
Gold as a monetary commodity would be largely prohibited, since it destroys nature (e.g. during production) and people (e.g. individually psychologically and their social relationships) when used, and can only be mined today to a limited extent worldwide.
What this new form of money = general commodity can be must be developed in practical economic transactions,
that could be, for example, a form of blockchain (not Bitcoin!!!); however, its existence is based on available electricity.
How the new economic system can function, regardless of the specific form of money, but as new forms of ownership and basic forms of distribution of working time, can be read, for example, in Krüger:
Stephan Krüger; 2023
Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie und Kapitalismusanalyse, Band 7
Epochen ökonomischer Gesellschaftsformationen
Eckpunkte und Entwicklungslinien der Weltgeschichte
Fünfter Abschnitt:
Übergang von der Vorgeschichte zur wirklichen Geschichte - bisherige Versuche und Ansatzpunkte
Kapitel 22:
Die Perspektiven der Weltwirtschaft im Rahmen eines kooperativen Szenarios
mit der Fortentwicklung internationaler Organisationen
zur Steuerung des Weltmarkts und der Weltpolitik
● Bildung von supranationalen Wirtschaftsblöcken mit Intensivierung des Intra-Blockhandels bei
selektiver Ausrichtung des blockübergreifenden Handels
● Reduzierung des internationalen Kapitalverkehrs auf Direktinvestitionen und
Auslandsfinanzierungen in strikt regulierten Formen
● Weltwirtschaftsregierung mit Internationaler Handelsagentur, Internationaler Zentralbank und
Internationalem Entwicklungsinstitut auf der Grundlage
I have no illusions that such a revolutionary economic system will never develop, especially not until the world population has fallen to 1 billion. By then, humans will have completely destroyed nature as a resource for human life in a permanent war of all against each other. What a degrowth transition will be like one can see it every day: economic and population decline and war with no mercy in every facette in every corner of the planet.
I hope these ideas find their way into the community of “system changers” because there is a lack of knowledge.
Lupin the third
If I would be in Tokyo I would go to this club
COCO PALM is a unique primarily jazz venue that serves live music (in various genres such as jazz, Brazilian, pops, classical, and more) and fine Japanese dishes and various kinds of Sake. It's only a minute walk from the north exit of the JR Nishi-Ogikubo station (turn left in front of the Koban police box).
William Rees - Measuring Our Ecological Footprint 2022
Bischoff, Joachim; Axel Otto u.a.: Ausbeutung – Selbstverrätselung – Regulation. Der 3. Band
des »Kapital«, VSA-Verlag Hamburg 1993
Stephan Krüger
Epochen ökonomischer Gesellschaftsformationen
Eckpunkte und Entwicklungslinien der Weltgeschichte
Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie und Kapitalismusanalyse, Band 7[tt_news]=19968
Inhalt & Leseprobe:
Krueger 7 - Epochen-oekonomischer-Gesellschaftsformationen.pdf
The dual character of labour & commodities & money function:
William Rees - The Dangerous Disconnect Between Economics and Ecology 2011
Unfortunately he doesn’t take into account
the dual character of labour & commodities:
concretely useful and abstract value-creating labour,
use-value & exchange-value
as all of the ecologists and growth and degrowth critics do.
But the idea of the footprint is worth to incorporate
in a transition to an ecology based economy
without throwing away the dual character of a labour and exchanged based economy
Next to take into account:
evolutionary developed behavior / psychology
that hinders or promotes individual and social change
Will it happen? Time will tell but we won’t experience it.
More Info:
Humus Research